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InEnTec's PEM gasifier technology safely transforms virtually any waste
into ultra-clean fuels, valuable products, and efficiently recycles plastic.

Press Release




InEnTec and Terre Demonstrate High Destruction Efficiency of the PFAS
family of Chemicals using Proprietary Advanced Plasma Technology

InEnTec and Terre Set New Standard for PFAS Disposal


Solving the world’s waste.

Plasma Enhanced Melter Technology (PEM) can end the “take-make-consume-waste” cycle by converting virtually any waste into clean fuels and valuable, recycled products in a safe and environmentally-friendly way.

Cutting-edge recycling.

Without any combustion or incineration, InEnTec PEM system outperforms all regulatory and environmental standards,
and produce virtually no air, water of
ground pollution.

Expert design. Real world proof.

Developed in coordination with MIT and
the Department of Energy’s National Laboratories, PEM technology has been successfully transforming waste for more
than 20 years.

Cost-effective, clean products, fuels and energy.

InEnTec’s PEM system can transform waste into useful products, including syngas - a basic building block of clean energy valuable chemicals, products, fuels and electricity.

Featured in

InEnTec: Climate goals expand impact of waste-processing MIT spin-off

High-Powered Plasma Turns Garbage Into Gas

The Wall Street Journal 2010 Technology Innovation Awards

Plasma Venture to
Turn Medical Waste
into Energy


Why InEnTec

At InEnTec, we have been working
for over 25 years to disrupt the linear waste economy of take-make-reuse-dump, and turn the world’s waste into a valuable resource.

Our patented PEM Technology will support a more circular economy by enabling our customers to:


  • Divert waste from landfill and reduce emissions by recycling 100% of feedstock, including hard-to-recycle plastics.

  • Reduce reliance on virgin materials by breaking down waste into elemental building blocks that can be reformed into environmentally responsible, renewable fuels, plastics and energy.

  • Increase viability of wind and solar energy through our technology’s storage capacity.

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